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Holding On and Letting Go
On the podcast today, Mariko Lin, Assistant Director for Education and Prevention Outreach Director joins us. We discuss common transitional issues for UO students and the ways families can help from afar.
Parent and Family Programs
In this episode we meet Dee Kanikkeberg, Director of Parent and Family Programs here at the UO, to discuss the fun, engaging programs UO offers to build a great partnership with those supporting their Ducks from afar. From the popular online Conversation Starters to the UO Family Portal to Parent and Family Virtual Bingo night — being a part of the Duck flock isn't just for your student!
The Duck Life: Supporting Students on Campus and Beyond
In this episode we chat with Kris Winter, Associate Vice President for Student Life, about the UO's approach to student development, the role of higher education in career readiness, and the ways our Student Life services support parents and families as well as students through the student journey at the UO.
Week of Welcome
This week we talk with Michael Luna, Assistant Director of Welcome and Transition, and Zac Collins, Coordinator of Transition Programs, to discuss all things Week of Welcome (WOW) — including events for students, events for families, and tips for all on how to get the most out of the weekend.
Cora Bennett Director, Student Orientation Programs
Cora Bennett is the director of Student Orientation Programs and manages the student ambassador program and orientation events. Since joining the division she has grown the office to meet the ever-growing interest in the UO from prospective students and visitors. The programs she manages employ 80 students as ambassadors who present the UO experience to new Ducks as well as to more than 30,000 visitors each year. “I love the UO because it’s unlike any other place I’ve ever lived. People are warm and friendly, the campus environment is everything a university should be, and the pride and spirit the community has for the university is unmatched.”